Malachai: A Celebration of a Special Life


Malachai:  A Celebration of a Special Life


This moving work comes as an enigmatic portrait of a child who’s life was scarred by several unsuccessful attempts to abort him before he was born.  The child was taken in by a very special woman who opened her heart and home to children with special needs.  Told that Malachai would not survive for more than a year, he has flourished and thrived in a family that loves unconditionally.  When the work was to be premiered, Malachai was in a desperate situation and was not expected to survive.  Against all odds he has grown and lived his life knowing the love of his adoptive mother, brothers and sisters.  Malachai is a grade 5 work, with a cello-like baritone saxophone solo in the opening section.  Give your students a chance to explore expression and take a journey against the odds with this important and meaningful piece.

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E Print Additional Score, E Print Score & Parts, Print and Mail Additional Score, Print and Mail Score and Parts


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